CMF AV Debate in the House of Lords

The CMF is hosting a debate on AV in the House of Lords. The forthcoming referendum on AV has massive constitutional significance and could change the course of British politics forever. Be a part of history and listen to the arguments both for and against AV from two top Tories.

Kwasi Kwarteng, Member of Parliament for Spelthorne (Speaking against AV)
Kwasi is one of the eight MPs selected by David Cameron to lead the national anti-AV debate. Kwasi is a new MP and widely tipped for the top.

Cllr Rene Kinzett, (Conservative leader on and formerly Leader of Swansea Council)
Rene is a former Parliamentary Candidate (Swansea West, 2010) and Vice-Chair of the Tory Reform Group Wales/Cymru. Rene is associated with the Yes to AV campaign and is a personal recommendation from Unlock Democracy.

Date: 26th April
Time: 6.30 pm
House of Lords, Committee Room 4


about author


The Conservative Muslim Forum was founded by Lord Sheikh in 2005. All of its members are full members of the Conservative Party.