We condemn the terrorist attack and offer our condolences to the families of the two victims who sadly lost their lives and offer our prayers for the wellbeing of those unfortunate persons who have been injured.
We also pay tribute to the brave members of the public whose heroic actions and bravery have saved many others lives.
We commend the Police and other agencies for their prompt actions in dealing with a very difficult situation.
It is written in the Holy Quran.
“Whoever kills a person it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.”
We would like to state that what Usman Khan has perpetrated is totally against Islamic beliefs and values.
It is imperative that all the communities stand together to condemn what happened and we should join hands to combat acts of terrorism and radicalisation.
The Conservative Muslim Forum welcomes the Government’s proposals to strengthen our sentencing laws so that terrorists and other serious offenders serve a full prison term commensurate with the crime to keep our streets safe. We also call on the government to re-visit the role of the probation service and have an active system for rehabilitation of convicted offenders.
We would also ask the government to review its ‘PREVENT’ strategy in line with our President, Lord Sheikh’s proposals and speeches in the House of Lords.
We in the Conservative Muslim Forum are very keen to build peace and harmony within all the communities and will continue our interfaith work.
The membership of the Conservative Muslim Forum is open to everyone in the country.